International History

Pi Kappa Alpha International Fraternity is a Greek letter, secret, college, social fraternity. It is composed of men who share similar ideals of friendship, truth, honor, and loyalty. Pi Kappa Alpha was founded in 1868 by six young men at the University of Virginia. They realized at the time that their lives meant little without true friendship, and on that Sunday evening on the first of March, a fraternity was created "for the establishment of friendship on a firmer and more lasting basis." The hopes and dreams of those men have been realized through the expansion of Pi Kappa Alpha to over 200 chapters in North America, with a brotherhood of over 210,000 initiated men. These ideals and members' ability to maintain the visions of the Fraternity's founders are the great moral legacy of Pi Kappa Alpha.

Local History

The Theta Zeta chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha has been on UNI's campus since 1975. We are finally back in our blue house but it has been moved. Our current location is 1215 W 22nd St. Theta Zeta has won numerous awards over the years for our commitment to academics, community service, athletics, leadership throughout the student body and campus involvement. Become a part of our history and join us in PiKA.

Past Recognized Pikes

Click Here to view past recognized pikes from the 2007-2008 school year.